Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Intentional Grandparenting -- Steve Wages

Intentional Grandparenting -- Steve Wages

Parenting is much more difficult today.

In the past, childhood was an internship for life.

We're in battle for hearts of children that begins at cradle and never
ends this side of grave.

Grandparents can increase the odds that a child will grow up

"Give grandkids the big head." Paul Faulkner

It's difficult being a child these days.

Less time = less influence.

IRT. Individual relationship time

Every child (grandchild) wants to be an only child.

Grandparents are the only adults who have time.

1 comment:

Nunzia said...

I'm not sure if grandparents are the ONLY people who have time but they certainly seem to have more than adults struggling with careers, even education. So many children today are raised by their grandparents. They are truly a blessing from God.