Daily life is the laboratory where we take our book knowledge from the Bible, encounter God, and allow ourselves to be shaped by Him. These are my notes about what I'm learning about loving God and loving others.
"These green beans are great! Where's Mom been hiding this? And not only do they taste good, but you can spread them all over your face!" Ben on his first green beans.
Ben's showing off his ability to do two things at once -- turn over and get his thumb and three fingers in his mouth. And, he's even looking at the camera!
Mark has this interesting white stripe across his forehead. It's the modern equivalent of farmer's tan, where everything above the hat line is pale. Mark spent much of the day with his hat on backwards, giving him the start of this nice white line. Maybe it's a way to distinguish generations...
Now here's a good looking group! Here are a few things I notice as I look at this photo:
1. We're all wide-eyed, at least for once. 2. My boys like Polo shirts over white tee shirts, and standing with their hands on their waists. 3. Ben and Mark like stripes. Plain old conservative solids for the rest of us. 4. We look like we like each other. 5. Some of us spent the day playing golf in the sun.
I'm in the process of phasing this site out. My new personal blog is Jim Hughes. You can subscribe there by email or RSS. You may also be interested in my Difficult Seasons blog. Some of the photo content is still being fed here in addition to my new personal blog, but that will cease in the near future.
I'm a follower of Jesus, a husband, dad, and granddad. I coach, provide pastoral care, lead a caregiver support group, write, speak, and teach. And I love learning.