Monday, February 20, 2006

Ben - One Month

"Okay. I've gone along with this putting on fancy clothes and looking at the camera, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! Can I just get rid of this stuff and get back in my comfy clothes? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Fisher Eagle

This fisher eagle rests on his high perch, no doubt thinking about the fish in the Channel, the body of water which surrounded strip of land that we were driving through. Posted by Picasa


These warthogs are extremely happy keeping the grass mowed at the QE lodge. They have to rest on their elbows to get to the grass, which they then loudly munch. They seem to care less that there are people moving around. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lodge at Queen Elizabeth Game Park

The lodge at the QE game park is very nice -- obviously built to encourage tourism. The food is great, and the accomodations comfortable. Looking at the grass, you can tell that we were there during the dry season. And looking at the grass brings back the memory of the fellow who was edging the grass along this sidewalk the next day -- with a machete! Posted by Picasa

Awake and Smiling

Fortunately, Mark and Kathy love to take pictures of Ben and send them to us!

We've also been experimenting with the world of video calling using webcams and the free internet services. Although Ben seems to always be asleep when we do this, it is fun. The MSN Messenger currently beats the others hands down for video and voice quality. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006

Here, Kitty, Kitty!

I'm posting this photo a little out of order to tie it to Lori Earle's post today.

No one had reported a lion sighting at the park for two weeks. Top that with the fact that we were driving through an area where lions are not supposed to be seen. But counter all that by the fact that Sara had prayed the night before that we might see a lion AND that David was sitting in back with the window open calling, "Here, kitty, kitty!" This fellow appeared in the road before us, took a small detour into the grass along the side of the road, and then casually strode back to the road behind us and continued his journey.

All together, one of those experiences that leaves you breathless. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ben on Nana's Blanket

As soon as we learned that Kathy was pregnant, Eloise decided that she needed to knit Ben a blanket. This was a pretty major decision since Eloise had never knitted!

But a friend who heard of the project brought Eloise a copy of Knitting for Dummies, and she was off on her project. Actually she did a kit or two first to get the hang of it, and then picked this yarn for Ben's blanket.

Untold hours later (it seems like thousands), here's Ben sleeping on his soft, comfy blanket. Now that's just very special! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mark and Ben Now -- Mark at One Week

I found the baby picture of Mark today, and couldn't resist putting it together with Ben's photo! Posted by Picasa

Not-So-Wild Animals in Uganda

Western Uganda, especially around Mbarara, is famous for it's Ankole cattle, shown in this photo. Their owners often move them from place to place to graze, in this case between the roadside and a lake. All of them that we saw were fat and healthy. We did eat beef several times while there, and it was good.

This photo was also taken on the way to the game park, so expect photos next of actual wild animals. Posted by Picasa

Uganda: On the Way to the Game Park

The scenery in Uganda is often breath-taking, as this photo taken along the road on the way from Mbarara to the Queen Elizabeth Game Park illustrates. Posted by Picasa

Telling Ben about fish?

Mark and Kathy love to fish, so my first thought in seeing this photo was that Mark must be trying to describe a fish to Ben. I'm sure Ben will get his introduction to fishing soon enough. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

Watching the Super Bowl

Mark's team wasn't doing well -- he liked the Seahawks. Ben said if the Cowboys or the Texans weren't playing, he might as well just take a nap. Posted by Picasa

Mutual Admiration

I think Mark likes fatherhood -- and it looks like Ben likes being Mark's son! Posted by Picasa