Sunday, September 04, 2005

Race, Poverty, and Katrina

None of us can watch what has happened this last week and not see that while everyone has suffered loss, it's those who were living in poverty that have not only suffered loss, but worse.

For perspective, read Rick Casey's article in today's Houston Chronicle. Also read posts from the last week from Larry James' blog.

Not only were there no plans to evacuate those living in poverty before the storm, and not only were we slow to be able to evacuate them after the storm, but do you suppose there are any plans to help them regain a life after the storm? Since they didn't own homes or businesses, they won't be getting any loans or assistance in rebuilding. And since the places where they lived and worked don't exist any more, they don't have anything to return to. What will happen to them after they close the Astrodome and other shelters?

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