Friday, October 10, 2008

Can't Progress Be Quieter?

Somebody's working in the neighborhood with a tractor or dozer with that annoying back-up warning device.  Somehow, "BEEP, BEEP" is not an adequate description of the sound it makes.  And on a calm morning, it's effective at piercing the silence.  While it's muted some by being inside, it's still obvious.

I know why these warning devices are required, and I don't doubt that they prevent accidents.  It's just that I'm a half mile away, and I don't need to be warned that a tractor or dozer leveling a new lot is backing up.  I'm not there, I'm here.  And yes, I find it irritating, even without my hearing aids.

I understand that it's a sound of progress, and I like progress.  But can't progress be quieter?

Posted by email from Alright! (posterous)

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