Sunday, January 23, 2005

Learning to Live Life

One of my points in Bible class today was that we all learn to live life from others, that we don't come naturally equipped with that information. As I have reflected on who my teachers about living have been and are, I am a little surprised that my parents continue in many ways to be some of my most influential teachers. You'd expect that during the younger years that parents would be dominant among those that teach us about life. But as I approach my 60th birthday, I frequently find myself reflecting on something Mom or Dad said or how they approached some situation and learning from it. It's interesting to me that though Mom has been gone for two years now, I'm still learning from her. And Dad is still paving new ground in life, and showing me that there are lessons still to learn. I'm thankful for their teaching in my life, and hope that some of the lessons I'm passing to my children are as useful.

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