Monday, February 21, 2005

Finding Your Career Niche

Career and jobs are about so much more than finding something to do that you get paid for.

This morning's Job Seeker meeting reinforced that once again. One of our attendees was a young woman who's very capable, well educated, and who has done a lot of different things well. As we talked, it became evident that she was quite frustrated, and for several reasons:
  • She has a variety of interests and skills which could lead into a number of different careers.
  • She has been receiving a lot of advice and direction from people that care about her about what she should do.
  • She wants to do something that fits her -- that's more than just a job -- but she's not sure what that is.
Most of us get where we are in career by following a path of least resistance. We may be fortunate and be in a place where we're happy -- where the fit is so good that we would almost pay to get to do the job. But more often, we end up in a position that brings unhappiness and frustrations, or at least a lack of fulfillment.

It is so important to learn enough about ourselves so that we can find employment that suits our individual skills and interests and provides fulfillment. It's not that difficult, but the amazing thing is that so few people actually do it.

This woman is now on a path to do exactly that.

More in future posts about how to get a handle on who you are and what type of career would provide you ideal job -- the one you would pay to get to do.

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