Monday, February 14, 2005

Thirty-eight Valentine's Days

Thirty-eight Valentine's Days married to Eloise.

I'm not very good at knowing what to give for this type of occasion. Eloise usually gives me some hints. This year she's mentioned chocolate covered cherries (her favorite candy) and the new Michael Buble CD. I'll be sure to get these, as well as a nice card. I do know not to give Tupperware or something practical like that -- but she had to teach me that.

The problem is, none of these things seem to even begin to represent the love and thankfulness I have that she's been not just my Valentine, but my friend, my partner, my cheerleader, my nurse, my inspiration, my teacher, Mom to our children, and so much more. An inexpensive box of candy, a CD, or even a special piece of jewelry just seems so trivial compared to her importance to my life.

Eloise -- thanks for being my Valentine for 38 years, and while you're at the "U" today, you might click on this link to enjoy a preview of love songs from Michael. And know that I love you.

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