Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Controlling Immortality

From the April 2005 issue of Fast Company:

Fast Company: Would you want to be immortal if the opportunity presented itself?

Ray Kurzweil
: I think the opportunity is presenting itself. Our mortality is something that should be in our hands. It's something I want in my hands. I believe we'll demonstrate a mouse that doesn't age within about a decade. And we'll translate that into human therapies.

Some Observations:

1. What Kurzweil and often maybe the rest of us often fail to see is that we already are immortal. When our focus is only on this physical life in this physical world, we don't recognize our immortality -- we see only aging leading to the ultimate expression of physical mortality, death.

2. The fact that we naturally desire immortality and that this physical world doesn't offer it should point us toward another world -- one that offers eternal life.

3. Isn't it interesting that our desire is to be in control of our own mortality -- through our own devices to create an end to aging and death due to aging? We want to become God.

4. Why is it that when we are already immortal and have a God who has provided that for us that we don't want to follow His way, but come up with our own solution?

5. The more successful we are in dealing with our physical world, the less attention we pay to God who created our physical world.

This reminds me of the people building the tower of Babel who thought that through their actions they could become equal to God.

What is it that you and I are focused on in this physical world that heads the same direction?

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