Friday, March 18, 2005

Laughing at Ourselves

"We should be proud of who we are. Then we can laugh at ourselves. Being natural, being yourself, goes right to the heart of laughter." Willard Scott

Sometimes a TV weather man is right on -- I guess when you're not talking about the weather it's easier. But the ability to laugh at yourself does seem to be a good barometer of how comfortable you are in your own skin. If we're uptight and concerned about how others might view us, we find it difficult to laugh at ourselves -- because laughing at ourselves might expose something we don't want others to see.

John McBride says, "The ability to laugh at ourselves is the next greatest gift we have to love." Reader's Digest proclaims, "Laughter, the Best Medicine."

I need that gift, that medicine. I don't laugh at myself enough. I'm prone to take myself too seriously. Many times I just need to give it up and be more confortable with who I am and have a good laugh at myself. Won't you join me?

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